Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey
Limited Edition Barrel Proof
67.3% ABV (134.6 proof)
paid $80
Color: medium/dark brown, with a garnet tinge.
Smell: given the proof, I was bracing for a whopper. Instead, it's smooth - powerful yet approachable. Big notes of sweet cinnamon candy, as if Red Hots were interspersed with caramel cremes. Maple syrup note dancing in the background along with a blackberry/black pepper note you'd find in a Syrah. There's also cinnamon (the baking spice) and a little bit of interesting mustiness. Lots going on!
Overall: It's an "A" for me. I like it a lot, and would recommend it in a world in which you could find it. That said, I think it's so stylistically similar to Booker's and Elijah Craig Barrel Proof as to be virtually indistinguishable - I'd be shocked if I could tell the difference in a blind tasting (stay tuned...). So don't feel like you're missing out on the whiskey of a lifetime if you couldn't snag a bottle (and, obviously, don't pay hundreds for one on the secondary market)!