Quick Blind Taste Test: Blanton's vs. Ezra B Single Barrel

I've reviewed both of these whiskies positively: Blanton's and Ezra B Single Barrel. Thought it would be fun to put them head to head in a blind taste test - a whiskey death match of sorts.

The Smell

Whiskey 1: really soft honey and caramel sweetness, with just a slight hint of rye in the form of mint tea
Whiskey 2: more wood influence here in the form of baking spices, but still plenty of honeyed sweetness.

The Taste

Whiskey 1: super soft on entry - creamy and smoothly sweet. Lots of vanilla and caramel cream candies. Medium-short finish.
Whiskey 2: spicier throughout (baking spices), but still plenty of sweetness. Moderate oak tannins and lasting cinnamon in a medium finish.

The Verdict
They're both really good. I think Whiskey 2 is more akin to a tradition bourbon - plenty of barrel influence to balance out the sweetness. Whiskey 1 is really uniquely sweet and herbal - tons of mint to complement the caramel. l slightly prefer Whiskey 1, and my guess is that it is Blanton's.

The Reveal
OH MY GOD I NAILED IT. Wife confirms it's Blanton's. Both are great, and still highly recommended.