Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey
7 yrs 2 mo 14 days Batch No. 2014-06
63.85% ABV
Color: cloudy, garnet-hued brown
Smell: hot alcohol fumes coming off. Lots of brown sugar, cinnamon in the mix as well. Not too much else coming out of this...pretty straightforward heat, sugar, and cinnamon. Note: once I let it sit for a while, the cinnamon is predominant...smells really nice!
Overall: it's not for me. The oak influence (read: overt oakiness) is just too much. It's really out of balance. The nose smells like it's going to be sweet and spicy, but then it's just woody in the mouth. If that's the type of bourbon you gravitate towards, more power to you, and you should definitely grab a bottle. But I will take my money elsewhere! It's hard to believe this is only 7 years old, and makes me wonder what would happen if it stayed in longer. Would it somehow reach a mellower state and gain complex leather, vanilla, and coconut aromas? Is 6-8 years "peak oak" in terms of flavor influence? Would it somehow - gasp! - get even more predominantly oaky?